Creating Cohesive Community Project developed out of a Belfast City Council’s PEACE III Strategic Grants Programme in 2012 to improve relations across communities. Currently the project is funded by the Executive Office, Central Good Relations Fund. LORAG has taken the lead on Creating Cohesive Community Project to address these growing needs and develop an integrated approach to cohesion across sectors including community, statutory, schools and emergency responses.

The project is the continuation and development of a successful good relations programmes. It aims to build, broaden and capitalise on good relations momentum established, advancing integration across a range of religious & ethnic groups in Inner South Belfast & Urban village area. The project includes management of a cross-community strategic networking forum, English classes, volunteerism, good relations festivals, intercultural groups, Neighbourhood Matters newsletter, Building the Nations world cups, summer camps, 1-1 support and driving the development of a good relations plan for the area.
Intercultural Women’s Group – weekly workshops designed on need based issues. Art, wellbeing, chat over cuppa, learning, and development.
Intercultural Men’s Group – weekly meetings designed around wellbeing and good relations activities. New members are always welcomed.
Neighbourhood Matters – Inner South Belfast, and Botanic areas community newsletter. We work on four editions per year, print and deliver over 4200 copies. If you would like to contribute to this project, noticed something positive in our neighbourhood.
Community English Classes – Recruitment and developing volunteer pathways. Thisinvolvesintegration in local community.
Plan and devise a good relations plan – creating connections at the river- community divide and helpdeliver interculturalevents & projectactivity
Good Relations Festivals –4 festivals per year including St. Patricks Day/Spring Festival, Summer Festival, Halloween/Harvest, and Winter Wonderland.
Building the Nations – World Cups. Inner South Belfast tournaments engaging with host and intercultural communities. Early engagement prior to involvement on cross community basis.
Strategic Networking Forum – brings together up to 20 different organisations and individuals to pro-actively work together to support cohesion and challenge issues raised.
1-1 support, and signposting for the most vulnerable members of the community
For more information and how you can get involved, contact Konrad on 028 9031 2377,